What is Delta 8 THC?
“Deka tetrohycrocannabina, iso known os dela 8 TH, is @psychoactive substance found in the Connobissoiv plant. Delo-3 THC
Is ne of over 100 cannabinoids produced natural by the cannabis
plant (FDA.gov)
What are the effects of Delta 8?
"It's important to stress that everybody is different. However, there are some effects that most THC users can relate to.
The high provided by delta 8 THC is remarkably relaxing, putting the user in a colm state. These effects are dose-dependent; lower dases tend to enhance mood and boost energy levels, while higher does can be sedating padeve pain.
You may feel the following effects:
- A footy feeling as if you were weightless
- Improved focus with higher energy levels
- A chill and mellow vibe, but without a brain fog
- Boost of appetite
- Intense relaxation" [CFAH.org]
How much Delta 8 should I take?
As we are bakers and not doctors. Unfortunately, we cannot recommend a specific dosage for our customers. Our OG's abide the phrase "You can always eat more you can never eat less."
Is Delta 8 THC Natural?
"Delta 8 THC is a natural compound that appears in marijuana and hemp plants without any human intervention. As such, it's a wholly natural cannabinoid and is not considered synthetic." [CFAH.org]
What should I expect from eating a THC edible?
"It takes a long time for your body to absorb the THC from edible connabis and so the THC is present in your body for longer than after smoking or vaping cannabis. If you are new to edibles or to cannabis, use these products in a place where you feel safe and comfortable. Do not drive or operate heavy equipment after using cannabis."
"With edible cannabis, the intoxicating effects or "high" do not kick in for about 30 minutes to two hours." "For some people, the effects of edible cannabis can be more intense annabis! than inhaling a similar dose of dried cannabis. This intensity is partly because when you ingest THC, your liver turns it into a stronger form.
With edible cannabis, both the THC from the original product and the stronger form of THC produced by your liver can influence the intensity of the high." [CCSA.org]
Is Delta 8 THC Legal?
"The 2018 U.S. Farm Bill effectively legalized it through a loophole that allowed the sale of hemp-derived delta-8-THC products in areas where recreational use of cannabis was prohibited, as well as where medicinal marijuana required medical authorization." [Buffalo.edu]
Why do we use Delta 8 THC?
After extensive research among reliable sources and a plethora of scientific studies dating back to 1973 that review the use of Delta 8 THC. After collaboration of this information Higher Flour came to the conclusion that Delta 8 THC is the safest way to ingest THC. It has been proven through trial studies that the high from Delta 8 THC reported low levels of anxiety and paranoia as opposed to Delta 9 THC.
We hope we helped you with your understanding of Delta 8 THC and its effects. All of the information presented to you has been sourced from reliable educational resources. If you have more questions feel free to contact us via HigherFlourLLC@gmail.com